5 Tips for Safely Spending the Holidays with Loved Ones

The holidays have arrived and under normal circumstances that would mean large gatherings to celebrate all the season has to offer. However, this year looks much different, and it’s very important to stay as safe as possible while still finding ways to enjoy the holidays. Here are 5 tips for safely spending the holidays with loved ones:

1. Don’t Let Covid Get You Down

We understand how hard this year has been on so many. Our first tip for having a good holiday season is to remember that you can still enjoy this time with friends and family even if it looks a little (or a lot) different than what you’re used to. There are so many unique ways to celebrate while staying safe. Keep your head up and think outside of the box for new ideas to make the holidays fun for all of your loved ones. The most important thing is that everyone in your family (and friend group) stays happy and healthy by the time the new year rolls around.

2. Gather Outdoors if At All Possible

If you’re lucky enough to live in a mild climate area, like Wilmington, the chances of pretty weather during the holidays is high. This gives us the opportunity to gather outdoors (socially distanced) and decreases the spread of any sickness. You could get creative and put up some fun holiday decor, get a fire pit going, and set up a nice, cozy spot that allows everyone plenty of room. We highly recommend an inexpensive projector and a sheet hung on the side of your house for the perfect outdoor holiday movie experience.

If the weather does not end up on your side and your plans are forced indoors, be sure to open the windows and wear masks whenever possible. While eating and drinking, it’s best to keep at least a 6 foot distance from anyone who doesn’t live in your house.

3. Ask Your Guests to Bring Their Own Food

If you are going to be with anyone who does not live in your house, we suggest a Bring Your Own Food (+ drinks) plan. This will limit the number of shared surfaces and the spreading of germs. We think the host or hostess will really enjoy not having to prepare everything themselves as well.

4. Have a Virtual Gathering

We have all become more accustomed to virtual hangouts these days and the holidays are not the time to put an end to them. Maybe you have your entire celebration virtually or your most at-risk loved ones can join in from a distance. Set up a laptop at your dinner table to break bread together. You could even plan to decorate a Christmas tree together virtually or sing along to some carols, if you’d like. No matter what traditions you celebrate, virtual gatherings can bring together loved ones from near and far.

5. Create New Traditions to Enjoy for Years to Come

Speaking of traditions, let 2020 be the year you create new traditions while adapting to keep everyone healthy. There are so many fun things that your household can enjoy together and that you can enjoy with others, virtually. Throw a virtual holiday movie watch party with your loved ones. Streaming services like Netflix, Hulu, Disney+, and more now offer these watch party options. How fun?!

It would also be fun to have a nice, friendly competition featuring your favorite board games. Some games could also work via Zoom or FaceTime. What about a virtual holiday shopping experience? Set up a laptop and cast to the tv then, together with loved ones (live + virtual), search for the best holiday deals and let everyone start making their gift list. This would be a cool way to learn what exactly it is that Dad might want for Christmas this year.

BONUS Tip: Always practice the 3 Ws

Wear a face mask, wait 6 feet apart when you can, and wash your hands often. For even more tips on safely spending the holidays with loved ones, click here to visit the CDC website and check out their recommendations.

When all of these safety precautions are practiced in unity, you can enjoy a safe but fun celebration. We hope these 5 tips for safely spending the holidays with loved ones will prove to be helpful to you. Just remember, having healthy family and friends is the most important thing, and there are many ways to celebrate the most joyous time of the year. 

Happy Holidays from the Delaney Team!