If you need images or reports from a past exam, our support team here at the offices of Delaney Radiology in Wilmington, North Carolina, is ready to help! For assistance with a medical records request, please contact us during our normal business hours: Monday–Friday, 8:00 a.m.–5:00 p.m. (excluding holidays) at (910) 762-3882 Opt 3.
Here are some important things to know about making requests for medical records:
- Please allow 48 business hours for requests to be processed
- Please allow 5 business days from your date of service for records to become available
- Requests can be made in person, by phone, fax or via the forms linked below
- If you are an attorney or liability company requesting medical records, please contact MTBCMed via phone at (704) 504-3363 ext.1203, fax at (980) 273-1725 or through the form linked here.
If you would like to authorize Delaney to RELEASE your medical records, please use the form linked below:
If you would like to authorize Delaney to OBTAIN previous imaging from another facility, please use the form linked below: